Timor-Leste’s vulnerability to natural hazards means if particular care is not taken in the development of the country’s infrastructure, it will remain at risk to disruption.
Timor-Leste developed the 2008 National Disaster Risk Management Policy, which lays out the government’s vison of ...its disaster management process from the national to the village level. Additionally, through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), they have conducted national hazards, vulnerability and risk assessments. Through Plan International they have initiated the integration of disaster management education into public schools. Although the Government of Timor-Leste considers DRM as a priority and supports the dissemination of DRM policy to the district levels, the current Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 of Timor-Leste has not explicitly reflected nor integrated DRM as one of its development priorities. Disaster Management is included in the Strategic Plan Document of MSS 2009-2012.
Report on the symposium 26–28 May 2015, New Babylon Meeting Center, The Hague
Prioritise education in conflict-affected areas:
Across the world 28 million1 primary school-age children living in conflict-affected countries are
out-of-school, and they form half of the world’s total out-of-school population. During conflict,
infrastructure assets such as schools are damaged... or completely destroyed during fighting. Children
may choose to stay away from school due to their and their family’s safety fears in the midst of
conflict, or the need to supplement their family’s income amidst conflict-related financial loss.
Children who are internally displaced by conflict face a particularly challenging task accessing
education due to the specific conditions created by their displacement, such as loss of livelihoods
making school fees hard to find, and discrimination from host communities. Children caught in
conflict are being deprived of their right to education2 and denied the opportunity to benefit from the
protective and life-sustaining mechanisms of education.
Shaping Health programme on Learning from international experience on approaches to community power, participation and decision-making in health,AMHF, TARSC
L’OMS a ciblé 17 maladies comme des Maladies Tropicales Négligées. Ces maladies sont très différentes les unes des autres, mais elles ont comme point commun de toucher principalement les populations les plus pauvres. Elles maintiennent dans la pauvreté les populations ayant initialement un n...iveau de développement faible. Ces maladies coexistent au sein des mêmes populations, augmentant de ce fait leur vulnérabilité.
Contributions in International Seminars 1988 -2008
Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counselling, no. 20
Acessed on 20.10.2020
Dans sa lutte contre la mortalité maternelle, le gouvernement du Burkina Faso est soutenu par les bailleurs de fonds qui contribuent au budget de la santé et financent également des projets spécifiques visant à améliorer l’accès aux soins. Le présent rapport reconna...t les efforts fournis par le gouvernement burkinabè afin de s’attaquer à la mortalité maternelle, avec l’aide des bailleurs de fonds, et souligne l’importance des projets menés par des ONG nationales et internationales.
Exhortation Apostolique sur l' amour dans la famille (2016)
Nurses' perceptions about providing spiritual care
Le Guide de formation aux actions essentielles de nutrition et aux actions essentielles d'hygiène : Travailleurs communautaires renforce la capacité des travailleurs communautaires à fournir et à promouvoir les actions essentielles en matière de nutrition et d'hygiène. Il présente le contenu ...technique dans le cadre de sessions pratiques de conseil et de négociation, à l'aide de jeux de rôle et de pratiques sur le terrain. Il aide les agents communautaires à comprendre pourquoi et comment intégrer des messages sur la nutrition et l'hygiène dans leurs différentes plates-formes de programme en utilisant une approche de cycle de vie pour délivrer le bon message à la bonne personne au bon moment.
Climate change and variability is affecting maize (Zea mays L.) production in eastern Ethiopia but how farmers perceive the challenge and respond to it is not well documented. A study was conducted to analyze smallholder maize farmers’ perception of climate change/variability and identify their ad...aptation approaches and barriers for adaptation in the eastern highlands of
This toolkit has been developed by the ZAZI campaign for use by peer educators, community outreach workers, faith-based organisations, and traditional health practitioners to help facilitate participatory discussions on sexual and reproductive health with women aged between 20 and 49 years of age. T...he toolkit is divided in 10 content sections
Guide | Dispositif de préparation - Intervention et redressement rapide -
Rétablissement et reconstruction
This important issue of Forced Migration Review draws our attention to the current challenges facing displaced Syrians and the continuing search for solutions. The statistics of Syrian displacement are staggering – and the numbers continue to rise. Half of Syria’s population has been displaced: ...five and a half million are registered refugees and over six million are internally displaced.
Environment International Volume 86, January 2016, Pages 14-23
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in weather conditions and patterns of extreme weather events. It may lead to changes in health threat to human beings, multiplying existing health problems. This review examines the scientific e...vidences on the impact of climate change on human infectious diseases. It identifies research progress and gaps on how human society may respond to, adapt to, and prepare for the related changes. Based on a survey of related publications between 1990 and 2015, the terms used for literature selection reflect three aspects — the components of infectious diseases, climate variables, and selected infectious diseases. Humans' vulnerability to the potential health impacts by climate change is evident in literature. As an active agent, human beings may control the related health effects that may be effectively controlled through adopting proactive measures, including better understanding of the climate change patterns and of the compound disease-specific health effects, and effective allocation of technologies and resources to promote healthy lifestyles and public awareness. The following adaptation measures are recommended: 1) to go beyond empirical observations of the association between climate change and infectious diseases and develop more scientific explanations, 2) to improve the prediction of spatial–temporal process of climate change and the associated shifts in infectious diseases at various spatial and temporal scales, and 3) to establish locally effective early warning systems for the health effects of predicated climate change.
The authors conduct an integrated survey of Antimicrobial Resistant Organisms (AMR) in drinking water, wastewater and surface water in three settings in Bangladesh: rural households, rural poultry farms, and urban food markets. Results show that untreated water discharged from rural households, poul...try farms and urban markets are major contributors to surface water pollution and antibiotic resistant bacteria genes, calling for increased surveillance and monitoring.
The recommendations cover the level of blood pressure to start medication, what type of medicine or combination of medicines to use, the target blood pressure level, and how often to have follow-up checks on blood pressure. In addition, the guideline provides the basis for how physicians and other h...ealth workers can contribute to improving hypertension detection and management.
Produced by UNICEF and IRC, with the support of the German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ) and the generous funding from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse (CCS) Resource Package (Second Editi...on, 2023) is a revision of the original CCS Guidelines and associated Training (First Edition, 2012). The Second Edition offers an up-to-date global technical guidance on providing a model of quality care for children and families affected by sexual abuse in humanitarian settings. The new resources include both revised and content additions based on practitioner feedback, the most recent evidence and learning. In particular, the Guidelines aim to bring a stronger focus on gender inequality, intersectionality, as well as the connections between the best interests of the child and a survivor-centered approach.