Plusieurs membres du réseau CDAC (Communicating with Disaster Affected Communities, Communication avec les communautés sinistrées) ont reconnu le besoin de gérer les rumeurs durant leurs missions afin de prévenir la perte de vies et d’alléger les souffrances. En particulier, Internews avec l...eur modèle pionnier inter-agence, l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé et le Bureau des Nations Unies pour la Coordination des Affaires Humanitaires ont fait des efforts considérables pour innover dans ce domaine et engager d'autres acteurs humanitaires à faire face à ce problème.
Several members of the Communicating with Disaster Affected Communities (CDAC) Network have recognised the need to work with rumours in their missions to prevent the loss of lives and alleviate suffering. Notably, Internews with their pioneering inter-agency model, the World Health Organisation and ...United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs have made considerable efforts to innovate in this area and engage other humanitarian actors on the issue.
A toolkit containing links to videos which use clay figures to address topics relating to COVID-19, such as stigma and rumours, as well as issues surrounding migration, including social inclusion.
Overview: Risk communication and community engagement are essential for any disease outbreak response. This is particularly critical during outbreaks of Ebola which may create fear in the public and frontline responders alike due to severe presentation of symptoms, misunderstanding of the causes of ...illness and high fatality rates. This document outlines some of the key considerations for risk communication and community engagement response to Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Ebola outbreaks have been associated with misinformation and false rumours. In the context of RCCE, rumours refer to unsubstantiated information, claims or beliefs about what is causing the disease or how it can be treated/cured. If not proactively addressed in culturally appropriate ways, misinformation and rumours can lead to the further rapid spread of the disease and unnecessary deaths, severe disease, suffering, and societal and economic loss.
The publication includes a 'Rumour Tracking Tool' (Annex II).
There is an overabundance of information circulating about the new coronavirusdisease(COVID-19), which can make it hard for people to identify which information is reliable and trustworthy. Rumours and misinformation travel fast–especially through social media.This cannot only stop people from ado...pting preventive measures that keep them safebut even more worrying,adopting ineffective prevention measures, increasing their riskof infection
Les retours d’information de la communauté présentés dans le présent rapport ont été recueillis par le biais des personnes chargées de l’engagement communautaire et de la redevabilité (CEA) dans 10pays africains, et grâce à la collecte de données primaires.Il a été demandé aux pers...onnes chargées du CEA de la Société nationale de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge de partager les principales rumeurs, observations, croyances, questions ou suggestions qu’ils entendent dans leur pays et de les classer par ordre de fréquence. Les chargés de mission du CEA ont fourni des informations de cette manière aux pays suivants: Afrique du Sud, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroun, Niger.
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This video was shared on Facebook. It discourages listening to myths and rumors such as those that claim that antibiotics or eating garlic can cure coronavirus. It is important not to listen to rumors, but to get correct information from reliable sources
This animation—produced in collaboration with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, UNICEF, and Yoni Goodman—brings to life key messages that help people see and understand how Ebola spreads and how to protect themselves and their communities.