This clinical pocket book - Respiratory Assessment and Oxygen Administration - is the forth edition from Clinical Pocket Reference for Nurses
Oxygen is an essential medicine required at all levels of the health care system; only high quality, medical-grade oxygen should be given to patients. Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) oxygen generating plants are a source of medical-grade oxygen. This document provides technical specifications as th...e minimum requirements that a PSA Oxygen Plant must meet for use for the administration of medical-grade oxygen.
In the face of rapid increases in the number of hospitalizations due to COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean, coupled with shortages of human and material resources, including medical equipment and gases, there is a need to redesign models of care in the Region to optimize available resources... and ensure that more patients receive the quantity and quality of oxygen they need. Oxygen is included in the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines and is used to care for patients at all levels of integrated health services networks. The efficacy of oxygen use in the treatment of patients with respiratory conditions caused by COVID-19 has been demonstrated, but there is great opportunity to improve the effectiveness of its use if it is used in a rational, sustainable, and safe way. Bearing in mind that the efficacy of a health technology is measured by its benefit under actual conditions of use, practical actions can be taken to improve the use of medical oxygen and avoid oxygen shortages. A drug is considered to be used rationally when patients receive it according to their clinical needs, in doses appropriate to their individual needs, for an appropriate period, and at a low cost to them and their community. By providing instruction on the rational use of oxygen and promoting it, negative repercussions can be avoided, such as loss of efficacy as a result of activities related to oxygen storage, distribution, and administration. Rational use of oxygen also involves controlling waste due to leaks in storage and distribution systems, use of gas at incorrect pressures, use of incorrectly adjusted flowmeters, and disconnections, among other problems. Another aspect to consider is the provision of adequate technical support for all oxygen production systems, in terms of maintenance and calibration, availability of electrical energy, and specific knowledge about these systems. For these reasons, a set of guidelines has been put together for the development of an efficient management system to deal with situations of oxygen scarcity, both now and in the future.
Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) is aware of the media releases of the preliminary results of a large randomized clinical trial conducted in the United Kingdom, which included dexamethasone, a corticosteroid, as one of the drugs used for the treatment of COVID-19 patien...ts. The investigators reported that administration of oral or injectable dexamethasone resulted in about one-third reduction in mortality among COVID-19 patientsi that required mechanical ventilation and about one-fifth for patients requiring oxygen.
Les Centres africains de contrôle et de prévention des maladies (Africa CDC) ont pris connaissance des communiqués de presse concernant les résultats préliminaires d'un vaste essai clinique randomisé mené au Royaume-Uni, qui incluait la dexaméthasone, un corticostéroïde, parmi les médicam...ents utilisés pour le traitement des patients atteints de COVID-19. Les chercheurs ont rapporté que l'administration de dexaméthasone par voie orale ou injectable a permis de réduire d'environ un tiers la mortalité chez les patients COVID-19i qui nécessitaient une ventilation mécanique et d'environ un cinquième chez les patients nécessitant de l'oxygène. Depuis la publication de ces rapports médiatiques, les autorités sanitaires du Royaume-Uni et d'Afrique du Sud ont adopté la dexaméthasone pour le traitement des patients atteints de formes graves de COVID-19
This manual focuses on the availability and clinical use of oxygen therapy in children in health facilities by providing the practical aspects for health workers, biomedical engineers, and administrators. It addresses the need for appropriate detection of hypoxaemia, use of pulse oximetry, clinical ...use of oxygen and delivery systems and monitoring of patients on oxygen therapy.
22 Dec 2021: El oxígeno está incluido dentro de la lista de medicamentos esenciales de la OMS y es utilizado para atender pacientes en todos los niveles de las redes integradas de servicios de salud. Dado que la eficacia del uso de oxígeno ya está probada en el tratamiento de pacientes con afecc...iones respiratorias provocadas por la COVID-19, existe una gran oportunidad para mejorar la efectividad promoviendo su uso de una manera racional, sostenible y segura.
Guidance for health care workers.
Guidance for health care workers.
Avec l’augmentation soudaine du nombre d’hospitalisations causées par la pandémie de COVID-19 en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, et étant donné la rareté des ressources humaines et matérielles telles que les équipements médicaux et les gaz médicaux, il est devenu nécessaire de ...repenser les modèles de soins dans la Région dans le but d’optimiser l’utilisation de ce qui est disponible et de s’assurer qu’un plus grand nombre de patients recevront l’oxygène dont ils ont besoin en quantité et en qualité. L’oxygène est inclus dans la liste des médicaments essentiels de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé et sert à soigner les patients à tous les niveaux des réseaux de services de santé intégrés. L’efficacité de l’utilisation de l’oxygène est démontrée dans le traitement de patients atteints de maladies respiratoires causées par la COVID-19, et cette efficacité pourra être grandement améliorée si on encourage le recours rationnel, durable et sûr à cette pratique.
Handbook of Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins
3rd edition!Large File 17 MB!