Further analysis of the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey
Reflections and a call for action after a two-year exploration of emergency response in acute conflicts
There is general consensus that the humanitarian sector is failing to mount timely and adequate responses in the acute phase of conflict-related emergencies, according to the two-year Emergen...cy Gap Project by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
The Project has explored what works for or against effective emergency responses. Its final report, Bridging the emergency gap, draws on the Project’s thematic papers and case studies, and consultations with more than 150 senior-level representatives from 60 key organisations across the humanitarian sector.
Germany has become a visible actor in global health in the past 10 years. In this Series paper, we describe how this development complements a broad change in perspective in German foreign policy.
Capter A.1
Ethics and international child and adolescent psychiatry
La carte est mise à jour quotidiennement
A practical manual to good prescription of medicines in Romanian language. - Summary: Aceasta carte se adreseaza in primul rând studentilor la medicina. Ea ofera un ghid în procesul de prescriere rationala a medicamentelor, împreuna cu numeroase exemple ilustrative. Cartea îl ajuta pe cititor sa... dobândeasca abilitati pentru prescrierea medicamentelor. Absolventii sau rezidentii, ca si medicii practicieni pot gasi în aceasta lucrare o sursa de idei noi si, poate, un stimulent pentru schimbare.
Plan du Bulletin
I- Variation des principaux indicateurs entre Janvier-Septembre_2016 et Janvier-
II- Niveau des Indicateurs au 30 Septembre 2017
A. Le niveau des indicateurs de morbidité et de mortalité
B. Carte score Paludisme au 30 Septembre 2017
C. Indicateurs... du Paludisme par région médicale au 30 Septembre 2017
D. Indicateurs du Paludisme par district sanitaire au 30 Septembre 2017
E. Indicateurs du Paludisme par établissement public de santé au 30 Septembre 2017
III- Données communautaires au 30 Septembre 2017
IV- Résultats des investigations de cas menées dans les districts en pré élimination au
30 Septembre 2017
he Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) would like to thank the group that developed these guidelines for the tremendous work, quick response, and commitment they demonstrated in this process. We would like to especially recognize the following doctors: Roberto Chuit, Jaime Altcheh, Alejandro Luq...uetti, Faustino Torrico, and Juan Carlos Villar, for sharing their extensive expertise on the subject; Ariel Izcovich, Juan Criniti, Ana Marcela Torres, and Ludovic Reveiz, for methodological coordination; and Roberto Salvatella and Luis Castellanos for promoting this initiative.
Pais, mães, responsáveis e cuidadores de crianças,
Nesta situação que estamos vivendo durante a pandemia do novo
coronavírus, é importante conversar e explicar às crianças o que está
acontecendo. A curiosidade é normal em qualquer idade e, juntamen-
te com as dúvidas, podem surgir... sentimentos como insegurança, medo
e até raiva. Se é comum nos adultos, imagina nas crianças...
A mudança de rotina causa ansiedade, e os adultos devem mostrar
que é papel de cada um proteger-se e proteger as pessoas mais vul-
neráveis nessa pandemia.
Também é importante brincar, pois é assim que crianças aprendem da
melhor forma. Cantem juntos, dancem, façam atividades e tentem se
distrair em meio à nova rotina e às novas obrigações.
Além de manter as crianças bem entretidas, use a informação como
um instrumento de proteção para sua família.
Food environments are usually defined as the settings with all the different types of
food made available and accessible to people as they go about their daily lives.
That is, the range of food in supermarkets, small retail outlets, wet markets, street
food stalls, coffee shops, tea houses, s...chool canteens, restaurants, and all the other
venues where people buy and eat food. These environments differ enormously depending on the context. They can be extensive and diverse, with a seemingly endless array of options and price ranges, or they can be sparse, with very few options on offer. Because they determine what food consumers can access at a given moment in time, at what price, and with what degree of convenience, food environments both constrain and prompt the consumer’s choice.Food environments are influenced by the food systems which supply them, and vice versa. Food systems encompass the entire range of activities, people and institutions involved in the production, processing,
marketing, consumption and disposal of food (FAO, 2013). They include but are not limited to food supply chains. Making food systems nutrition-sensitive can contribute to addressing all forms of malnutrition, as food systems determine whether the food needed for good nutrition are available, affordable, acceptable and of adequate
quantity and quality. How closely food systems and food environments are interrelated and interdependent, and the degree to which external factors affect nutrition outcomes, varies from setting to setting.Many of today’s food systems
and food environments are challenged in supporting consumer choices that are
consistent with healthy diets and good nutrition. Consumers are not making choices based on nutrition and health, and poor diet is now the number one risk factor for death and disability worldwide (GBD, 2015). Food systems that do not enable healthy diets are increasingly recognized as an underlying cause of malnutrition (GLOPAN, 2016), and malnutrition, irrespective of form, has a huge cost. Economic costs associated with undernutrition are estimated at $1-2 trillion per year, about 2-3% of global GDP (FAO, 2013); the global economic cost of obesity and associated diet-related non-communicable diseases is estimated at $2 trillion per year, about 2.8% of global GDP (McKinsey, 2014). Influencing food environments for promoting healthy diets is an emerging strategy to address today’s nutrition challenges.