Information leaflets can be downloaded free of charge from under the section "Asylbewerber und Gesundheit". Also available in following language versions: Arabic, Bulgarian, German, French, Greek, Italian,, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian (kyrillic or latin), Spanish, Turkish, Hungarian.
Chapter 13 in Stone, E. (ed.) 1999: Disability and Development: Learning from action and research on disability in the majority world, Leeds: The Disability Press pp. 210-227
Capítulo J.2
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traductores: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & Montserrat Pamias
Chapter J.2
Lea este folleto para informarse sobre la TB y lo que puede hacer
para curarse. Colóquelo a mano para consultarlo y leerlo cuando
tenga preguntas. Siga el tratamiento para curarse de la TB.
Q12: Should the treatment be similar in individuals with intellectual disability and epilepsy compared to people with epilepsy only?
Decontamination of medical devices plays an important role in the prevention of health care-associated infections. It includes cleaning, disinfection and/or sterilization. The processes involved in decontamination are complex, require specific infrastructure and equipment, and involve several sequen...tial steps that need to be performed correctly – from device collection and receipt by the decontamination unit to processing, storage and distribution throughout the facility. Quality control procedures (such as validation) at each step of the decontamination process are of the utmost importance to ensure the correct functioning of the equipment and processes. This aide-memoire presents a concise overview of important advice and key elements at a glance.
A Global Campaign Against Epilepsy Demonstration Project