Information on 102 commonly used medicinal plants in the South Pacific WHO regional publications. Western Pacific series ; Plants from this part of the world represent an especially diverse flora and include several species currently undergoing scientific investigation. Common traditional uses the treatment of minor injuries, childhood ailments, and complications of pregnancy. Plants described in the book are also used as emetics and as ointments and dressings applied to surface wounds or used to treat skin problems.
Addressed to ethnobotanists, phytochemists, and pharmacologists, the book aims to document traditional clinical uses and bring these to the attention of the international scientific community, while also preserving knowledge about the distinctive indigenous practices in these island communities. Full-colour photographs are included to facilitate identification of plants and plant parts used for medicinal purposes. Each plant is described according to a common format, which includes information on scientific name, local names, English name, a description of the plant and its habitat and distribution, and a summary of what is known about its chemical constituents, biological activity, and traditional uses.
This document provides a guide to WHO country offices in setting the operational framework for humanitarian action after a natural disaster. It is based on material developed for the tsunami disaster in Aceh, Indonesia in 2004/5. This material should be used as a template to develop a situation spec...ific operational document.
WHO Regional Publications, Western Pacific Series No. 23
Reports the findings and recommendations of a working group convened to prepare guidelines for the use of herbal medicines in Western Pacific countries. Addressed to national health authorities, the report responds to the widespread use o...f herbal medicine in this part of the world and the corresponding need for mechanisms to ensure that these products are safe and effective, yet remain broadly accessible. With this need in mind, the report sets out a comprehensive framework for developing national policies designed to control the safety, efficacy, and quality of herbal medicines, manufacturing practices, product registration, and labelling, marketing, and trade.
he Western Pacific is the world’s most disaster-prone region. When a disaster occurs, people may need to seek accommodation in a disaster evacuation shelter. However, it may be difficult for people in a disaster evacuation shelter to avoid confined and enclosed spaces with poor ventilation; crowde...d places with many people nearby; and close-contact settings, such as close-range conversations. This document outlines key considerations and strategies that should be considered for the establishment of a disaster evacuation shelter in the context of COVID-19. In particular, considerations and strategies as outlined for the preparedness, response and recovery phases of disasters.
Across the Western Pacific Region COVID-19 is placing enormous strain on health and economic systems apart from direct threats to personal health safety and livelihood the pandemic also has significant implications on mental health and psychosocial well being adversity is an established risk factor ...for mental health problems thus the impact of COVID-19 on mental health is expected to be large diverse and far reaching mental health and psychosocial support mhpss are essential components of a public health response to COVID-19 this guidance note provides 10 activities that may be integrated in national COVID-19 response and mitigation plans
WHO regional publications. Western Pacific series ; no.3
The book has three main parts. The first part describes research in Viet Nam conducted on medicinal plants in line with the national policy of developing a system of medicine and pharmacy that integrates the modern and traditional systems. Th...e second part, which constitutes the core of the book, describes and illustrates the 200 most valuable species of wild and cultivated medicinal plants in Viet Nam. Each plant species is first documented by a full colour drawing illustrating the plant's distinctive features and natural colours. Explanatory notes for each species provide a concise description of the plant and give local names, flowering period, geographical distribution, parts used, chemical composition, and therapeutic uses. Information on indications and dosage is also provided.
To facilitate retrieval of information, the third part indexes plant species according to botanical name, Vietnamese name, and English name.
Large File to download: 75 MB!
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak this risk communication package for healthcare facilities provides healthcare workers (HCWs) and healthcare facility management with the information, procedures, and tools required to safely and effectively work. The package contains a series of simplified and reminders based on WHO's more in-depth technical guidance on infection prevention and control in healthcare facilities in the context of COVID-19
Traditional medicine, including the knowledge, skills and practices of holistic health care, exists in all cultures. It is based on indigenous theories, beliefs and experiences and is widely accepted for its role in health maintenance and the treatment of disease.Medicinal plants are the main ingred...ients of local medicines, but rapid urbanization is leading to the loss of many important plants and knowledge of their use. To help preserve this knowledge and recognize the importance of medicinal plants to health care systems, the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific has published a series of books on Medicinal Plants in China, the Republic of Korea, Viet Nam and the South Pacific. Medicinal Plants in Papua New Guinea is the fifth in this series. This book covers only a small proportion of the immense knowledge on traditional medicine, the plant species from which they are derived, the diseases they can treat and the parts of the plants to be used. The diverse cultures, languages and traditional practices of Papua New Guinea made this a particularly challenging project. But we believe the information and accompanying references can provide useful information for scientists, doctors and other users.
This volume introduces Mongolian traditional medicine and details the nature and uses of medicinal plants found in the country.
The book focuses on the medicinal plants used most commonly in Mongolia. Each monograph contains colour pictures of the plant and a wide array of information—from the sc...ientific and English names of plants to their microscopic characteristics. While helping record and document traditional medicine practices, the book contributes to the understanding of the value of medicinal plants in Mongolia and increases the evidence base for the safe and efficacious use of herbs in health care.
a selection of 150 commonly used species 2nd. ed.
The Early Essential Newborn Care Pocket Guide was developed by the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific for introducing and scaling-up Early Essential Newborn Care. This step-by-step Guide is intended to provide a portable and practical summary of the up-to-date global evidence for newborn focusing on the first hours and days of life, including infection prevention and control measures during COVID-19. This Guide can be used in all health-care settings by skilled birth attendants (midwives, nurses and doctors) who care for newborns, also by managers to ensure all system measures are put in place for optimal quality of care.
The "Questions and Answers on Prevention and control of Alcohol related harm" has been developed by WHO country office in Viet Nam with technical contribution from national and international experts in the field. This publication provides scientific evidences on harms of alcohol use to the health of... users as well as to others and society at large. It provides WHO recommendations for the most effective prevention measures in Viet Nam and will also help answer questions that policy makers may have on how to develop effective policies for prevention and control of alcohol related harms.
Acupuncture has been practised for more than 2500 years in the Western Pacific Region and has become a global therapeutic method in recent decades. However, it was reportedthat acupuncturists differed by up to 25% in the acupuncture points they used, raising doubts and uncertainty regarding the effi...cacy and safety of acupuncture treatment, as well as causing difficulties in the fields of acupuncture research and education.
The Western Pacific Regional Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (2014–2020) was developed in response to a resolution adopted at the sixty-second session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific. The regional plan is fully harmonized with... the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (2013–2020) while adding the value of actions that build on regional achievements, contexts, opportunities and perspective
his Framework begins with a desired future scenario and considers actions and interventions necessary to get there. It advocates for holistic view to address tuberculosis. The Framework revisits challenges and actions in four layers: TB specific; challenges in health systems that influence TB care; ...challenges in sectors beyond health that determine TB; and overarching governance issues. Multisectoral action and accountability are embedded in the Framework. The Framework is based on the principles of people-centered care and system development.