Las tendencias demográficas actuales determinarán las futuras características de la población. El carbono expulsado hoy a la atmósfera definirá el clima del mañana. Las tecnologías que hoy desarrollamos y controlamos no solo influirán en la forma de aprender, trabajar y comunicar de las fut...uras generaciones, sino también en el bienestar de la infancia durante las próximas décadas.
Conforme el primer cuarto del siglo XXI llega a su fin, el Estado Mundial de la Infancia 2024 ha decidido mirar hacia adelante y situarse en el año 2050. Y plantea la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuál es la mejor manera de lograr un futuro donde todos los niños y niñas disfruten de sus derechos? ¿Cómo podemos construir un mundo donde todos puedan sobrevivir, prosperar y desarrollar plenamente su potencial?
El informe examina tres megatendencias o grandes fenómenos mundiales y a largo plazo que tendrán importantes efectos sobre las vidas de los niños y niñas de aquí a 2050: los cambios demográficos, las crisis climáticas y medioambientales y las tecnologías de vanguardia. Si entendemos estas tendenciasy lo que implican para la infancia, comprenderemos mejor los retos y las oportunidades que se nos pueden presentar.
ستشكل الاتجاهات الديموغرافية اليوم أنماط السكان في المستقبل. وسيحدد الكربون الذي نسكبه اليوم بغزارة في الغلاف الجوي معالم مناخ الغد. وستؤثر التقانات التي نطورها ون...تحكم بها اليوم على طرق تعلم الأجيال المقبلة وعملها وتواصلها وأيضاً على عافية الأطفال لسنوات طويلة.
مع اقترابنا من نهاية الربع الأول من القرن الحادي والعشرين، يتطلع تقرير حالة أطفال العالم لعام 2024 إلى عام 2050. ويسأل: كيف يمكننا تأمين مستقبل تتحقق فيه حقوق جميع الأطفال — عالم يحيا فيه جميع الأطفال ويزدهرون ويحققون إمكاناتهم بالكامل؟
يتناول هذا التقرير ثلاث قوى عالمية قوية وطويلة الأمد (أو اتجاهات كبرى) ستترك أثراً عميقاً على حياة الأطفال من الآن حتى عام 2050، وهي: التحولات الديموغرافية، وأزمات المناخ والبيئة، والتقانات الرائدة. وبفهم هذه الاتجاهات وتداعياتها على الأطفال، يمكننا أن ندرك بشكل أفضل التحديات والفرص التي تنتظرنا.
HIV testing programmes need to ensure that all clients who test for HIV are provided with correct diagnoses. The accuracy of HIV testing is critical to prevent misdiagnosis, as the consequences of giving an incorrect test result can be serious for clients, HIV testing services, HIV programmes and pu...blic health.
With the evolution of global HIV epidemiology, HIV testing approaches must also evolve to maintain accuracy and efficiency in population-level diagnosis. Reports suggest that misdiagnosis of HIV status may occur when suboptimal testing algorithms and out-of-date testing strategies are used. As a result of changing epidemiology and declining HIV positivity in testing, WHO recommends all countries use a standard three-test strategy to ensure a PPV of at least 99%, minimizing false-positive misdiagnosis. The WHO-recommended HIV testing strategy, along with quality assurance measures such as retesting to verify a positive diagnosis prior to initiation of HIV treatment, is cost-effective as it prevents misdiagnosis and unnecessary initiation of costly lifelong treatment.
This implementation guide provides practical advice on switching to a three-test strategy and instituting other measures that can help national HIV programmes deliver high-quality, accurate HIV testing services and ensure that misdiagnosis is minimized.
The video titled "¿QUÉ ES LA TUBERCULOSIS? - ENFERMEDAD y SÍNTOMAS" (What is Tuberculosis? - Disease and Symptoms) provides an overview of tuberculosis (TB), detailing its causes, transmission methods, symptoms, and treatment options. It emphasizes the importance of early detection and treatment prevent the spread of TB and highlights the global impact of the disease. The video also discusses preventive measures and the significance of public awareness in combating tuberculosis.
760 WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD, NOS. 51/52, 20 DECEMBER 2024, pp.760-769. In French and English
Pneumonia and diarrhoea account for 23% of under-five mortality and were responsible for an estimated 1.17 million deaths in children under five globally. Furthermore, pneumonia and diarrhoea were responsible for 18% of mortality in children 5–9 years of age, resulting in an estimated 86 000 preve...ntable deaths globally in 2021. Existing World Health Organization (WHO) guidance on the clinical management of pneumonia and diarrhoea has mainly focused on children less than 5 years of age.
The CDC document outlines five essential steps for preventing cholera. It emphasizes the importance of using treated water for drinking and food preparation, washing hands thoroughly with soap and safe water, cooking food thoroughly and consuming it while hot, using latrines or properly burying to avoid open defecation, and cleaning and disinfecting areas contaminated with feces using a solution of one part household bleach to nine parts water. These measures are critical to controlling and preventing the spread of cholera, especially in areas affected by outbreaks.
The CDC document titled "KOLERA: Senk (5) Etap Debaz Yo Pou Prevansyon" outlines five essential steps for preventing cholera. It emphasizes the importance of using treated water for drinking and food preparation, washing hands thoroughly with soap and safe water, cooking food thoroughly and consumin...g it while hot, using latrines or properly burying feces to avoid open defecation, and cleaning and disinfecting areas contaminated with feces using a solution of one part household bleach to nine parts water. These measures are critical to controlling and preventing the spread of cholera, especially in areas affected by outbreaks.
The WHO Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office's webpage on cholera information resources provides a comprehensive collection of materials to support understanding and management of cholera outbreaks. It includes posters for public education, recent publications such as Global Defence Against the Inf...ectious Disease Threat (with a chapter on cholera), Cholera Outbreak: Assessing the Outbreak Response and Improving Preparedness, and First Steps for Managing an Outbreak of Acute Diarrhoea. Additionally, it features policy documents like the WHO statement on international travel and trade during cholera outbreaks and the World Health Assembly resolution WHA 64.15 on cholera control and prevention. The page also links to the Global Task Force on Cholera Control and provides cholera country profiles, offering valuable insights into global and regional efforts to combat cholera.
Key facts
- An estimated 1.28 billion adults aged 30–79 years worldwide have hypertension, most (two-thirds) living in low- and middle-income countries
- An estimated 46% of adults with hypertension are unaware that they have the condition.
- Less than half of adults (42%) with hypertension are... diagnosed and treated.
- Approximately 1 in 5 adults (21%) with hypertension have it under control.
- Hypertension is a major cause of premature death worldwide.
- One of the global targets for noncommunicable diseases is to reduce the prevalence of hypertension by 33% between 2010 and 2030.
What you should do as head of school or child centre to prevent cholera:
Educate all staff and pupils on the common cholera transmission routes and how to prevent it.
Educate all kitchen staff on how to handle food and cooking utensils. Emphasis the key points below:
o All kitchen staff MUST their hands with soap and chlorine solution before cooking or handling food.
o All food should be properly stored to prevent contamination from insects etc.
o Wash all food in safe water.
o All food served should be properly cooked, and served hot.
o Only allow kitchen staff to enter the kitchen and to serve food.
o Wash dishes with soap or chlorine solution and rinse under safe water. Dry dishes on a rack well above the ground and in the direct sunlight (sunlight will help to disinfect).
All students should wash their hands with soap and safe water or chlorine solution before eating
Avoid washing your hands in a bowl of standing water, always use safe, running water!
Every November 14, World Diabetes Day is commemorated. This is an opportunity to raise awareness about the impact of diabetes on the health of people and to highlight the opportunities to strengthen the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diabetes.
The World Health Organization's fact sheet on diabetes provides an overview of the disease, highlighting its increasing prevalence, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. It outlines the main types of diabetes—Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes—detailing their characteristics an...d risk factors. The document emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and management to prevent complications such as heart disease, kidney failure, and vision loss. Preventive measures include maintaining a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and avoiding tobacco use. The fact sheet also discusses WHO's initiatives aimed at monitoring, preventing, and controlling diabetes globally.
Patients with diabetes are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) with its manifestations of coronary artery disease (CAD), heart failure (HF), atrial fibrillation (AF), and stroke, as well as aortic and peripheral artery diseases. In addition, diabetes is a major risk factor f...or developing chronic kidney disease (CKD), which in itself is associated with developing CVD. The combination of diabetes with these cardio-renal comorbidities enhances the risk not only for cardiovascular (CV) events but also for CV and all-cause mortality. The current European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines on the management of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes are designed to guide prevention and management of the manifestations of CVD in patients with diabetes based on data published until end of January 2023. Over the last decade, the results of various large cardiovascular outcome trials (CVOTs) in patients with diabetes at high CV risk with novel glucose- lowering agents, such as sodium–glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists (RAs), but also novel non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs), such as finerenone have substantially expanded available therapeutic op-
tions, leading to numerous evidence-based recommendations for the management of this patient population.
The World Health Organization's fact sheet on hypertension provides a comprehensive overview of high blood pressure, highlighting its prevalence, risk factors, and health implications. It emphasizes that hypertension is a major cause of premature death worldwide, with an estimated 1.28 billion adult...s aged 30–79 years affected, two-thirds of whom live in low- and middle-income countries.
The document outlines modifiable risk factors, including unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, tobacco and alcohol use, and being overweight or obese. It also discusses non-modifiable risk factors such as family history, age over 65 years, and co-existing conditions like diabetes or kidney disease. The fact sheet underscores the importance of regular blood pressure monitoring, as hypertension often presents without symptoms, and highlights lifestyle changes and medications as effective treatments. Additionally, it mentions global targets aimed at reducing the prevalence of hypertension by 33% between 2010 and 2030.
The document provides the NICE Quality Standard for managing Type 2 diabetes in adults (QS209). It outlines evidence-based recommendations for preventing Type 2 diabetes, structured education, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), medication such as SGLT2 inhibitors, and regular care processes to mon...itor complications. The guidelines emphasize individualized care, addressing health inequalities, and improving patient outcomes. They are intended to support healthcare professionals and services in delivering high-quality, equitable diabetes care.
The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the significant health risks associated with household air pollution, primarily resulting from the use of inefficient and polluting fuels and technologies for cooking, heating, and lighting. In 2020, approximately 2.1 billion people—about one-third of... the global population—relied on open fires or inefficient stoves fueled by kerosene, biomass (such as wood, animal dung, and crop waste), and coal. This exposure led to an estimated 3.2 million deaths, including over 237,000 deaths of children under the age of five. The pollutants emitted from these sources contribute to a range of health issues, including respiratory infections, heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer. The WHO emphasizes the urgent need for transitioning to cleaner fuels and technologies to mitigate these health risks.
This short brief describes the main findings and the key lessons learned from the research project "Evaluation of the impact of alcohol control policies on morbidity and mortality in Lithuania and other Baltic states", funded by the United States National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism fo...r the period 2000–2025. The WHO-backed project aims to assess the effects of alcohol control policies implemented in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and to investigate the impact they have had on both people's health and the countries' economies, based on concrete actions taken. The key findings of the project demonstrate that alcohol control policies such as taxation and availability measures decrease all-cause mortality and reduce inequalities, and that dismantling alcohol control policies has the opposite effect on population health. They also highlight that consumption of unrecorded alcohol will not necessarily go up if taxation is increased and that specific countermeasures can be taken to prevent an increase in unrecorded consumption.
The article on the PAHO website discusses the health risks of excessive salt consumption, which contributes to numerous deaths worldwide. It highlights that average salt intake significantly exceeds WHO recommendations, particularly in the Americas, and suggests measures like reducing salt in foods ...and implementing clear nutritional labeling to prevent diseases.
The workshop aimed to support countries in the prioritization and acceleration of NCD prevention and management with a specific focus on accelerating the prevention and control of hypertension and diabetes, identifying the most impactful NCD interventions within their context, closing the gaps in ca...ncer care services through regional collaboration and integrating NCD services in when responding to emergencies.