This document is the second in a series of global reports describing progress towards the 2030 targets set in Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals: a road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030. It describes a wide range of activities, accomplishments and challenge...s across the portfolio of NTDs and across all six WHO regions. The report presents epidemiological and programmatic data for 2022, which were gathered, compiled and analysed in 2023. In some cases, 2023 data are available and presented; in other cases, less recent information is included, when 2022 data are not available. In addition, it presents the main facts or events that occurred in 2023.
The World Health Organization (WHO) organized the first global meeting on skin-related neglected tropical diseases (skin NTDs) at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland on 27–31 March 2023. This 5-day hybrid meeting brought together more than 800 global experts, stakeholders and partners from 86 ...countries to consider a wide range of topics and enable participants to share best practices in implementing integrated skin NTD activities at country level. The theme of the meeting was “integration for greater impact”.
The most recent estimate of the global number of deaths from dog-mediatedrabies is 59 000 per year.1 Rabies is associated with a 99.9% fatality rate and severe trauma in families in which a rabies death
occurs, and remains a major publ...ic health concern in most of Africa and Asia and some parts of South America
Han transcurrido tres años completos desde la puesta en marcha de la Hoja de Ruta para las Enfermedades Tropicales
Desatendidas 2021-2030. Los datos sobre los progresos realizados comienzan a proporcionar información sobre las perspectivas de que se cumplan las metas fijadas para 2030.
During the Programme Managers’ Review Meeting of Central and East Africa and South-East Asia (online meeting, June 2022), experts proposed additional regional and national subtargets related to VL incidence, as defined below. These targets can be revisited as progress is reviewed and access to dia...gnosis and treatment and surveillance improves.
This toolkit is a comprehensive set of practical tools and resources designed to support country-level risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) practitioners, decision-makers, and partners to plan and implement readiness and response activities for dengue fever outbreaks. The toolkit conta...ins: information about dengue fever; RCCE considerations for how to approach key issues during dengue fever outbreaks; tools for understanding the context in which dengue fever outbreaks occur; methods for collecting data to inform strategy development and bring evidence into planning and implementation of activities; guidance to support vector control and prevention activities; case studies; and links to existing RCCE tools and training. It is one of a suite of toolkits on RCCE readiness and response to a range of disease and response areas.
Human strongyloidiasis is a chronic parasitic disease caused by infection with Strongyloides stercoralis, a soil-transmitted helminth that is estimated to infect 300–600 million people worldwide. This neglected tropical disease (NTD) is endemic globally, predominately in the South-East Asia, and Western Pacific regions, and in South and Central America. Strongyloidiasis has a wide range of clinical presentations, including subclinical disease, symptomatic disease (often with diarrhoea, abdominal pain and urticaria) and a rare but deadly complication of hyperinfection with disseminated disease. The feared complication of disseminated strongyloidiasis can occur in the setting of immunocompromising conditions (e.g. human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 infection and malignancies) or immunosuppressive medications (e.g. steroids) and has an estimated case-fatality rate exceeding 60%. The standard treatment for chronic S. stercoralis infection is oral medication with ivermectin.
In 2007, the Sixtieth World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA60.13 on control of leishmaniasis, urging Member States, among other actions: to strengthen prevention, active detection and treatment of cases of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in order to decrease the disease burden; and strengthen the capacity of peripheral health centres to deliver primary and secondary care, so that they provide appropriate affordable diagnosis and treatment and act as sentinel surveillance sites.
This report on global leishmaniasis surveillance follows those published in 2016–2023.2–6 Six indicators of leishmaniasis are publicly available from the Global Health Observatory (GHO).7 In addition to the GHO, country profiles with up to 30 indicators are published, with detailed data received... from 45 Member States.
The World Health Organization (WHO) met with Kenya’s Ministry of Health on 25 November 2024 to discuss preliminary results from the first-ever real-world assessment of the WHO Skin NTDs App, powered by two artificial intelligence (AI)-based algorithms.
You can download the App for Android and IOS
Recognizing neglected tropical diseseases through changes on the skin.
App for Android and IOS, free of charge. The App is available in English and French, with plans to explore translations into other languages, such as Portuguese and Spanish, to better serve diverse communities.
A patient's skin... is the first and most visible structure of the body that a healthcare worker encounters during an examination. It is also highly visible to the patient, and any disease that affects it can be felt and has an impact on personal and social wellbeing. The skin is therefore an important entry point for diagnosis and management. Many human diseases are associated with changes in the skin, ranging from symptoms such as itching to changes in colour, feel and appearance.
760 WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD, NOS. 51/52, 20 DECEMBER 2024, pp.760-769. In French and English
Progrès dans la notification des données sur l’envenimation par morsure de serpent: défis et opportunités. Englisch/Francais. WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD, NOS. 51/52, 20 DECEMBER 2024, pp. 770-775
Three full years have passed since the launch of the road
map for neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030. Data on
progress begin to provide insights into the prospects of
attaining the 2030 targets.
Trois années se sont écoulées depuis le lancement de la feuille
de route pour les maladies tropicales négligées 2021-2030. Les
données sur les progrès commencent à fournir des indication
The road map 2030 was developed by WHO through an extensive global consultation, with indicators set for measuring progress against targets and milestones. This compendium of indicators provides a comprehensive and standardized listing of recommended indicators, including the 70 core indicators pres...ented in the M&E framework. These indicators will also support reporting on strategies described in other road map companion documents to guide action against neglected tropical diseases include the sustainability framework, the global strategy on water, sanitation and hygiene, the One Health approach and the strategic framework for integrated control and elimination of skin-related neglected tropical diseases.
The purpose of this compendium is to guide monitoring and evaluation of programmes and thereby to improve their quality and effectiveness in alignment with the road map goals. It provides a standardized listing of the most widely used indicators relevant to countries, with uniformity in defining indicators to allow comparisons over time and among different programmes. Detailed metadata are provided for each of these indicators to facilitate validity, internal consistency, standardized measurement, estimation methods and comparability of data across countries.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the global community of countries, partners, donors, technical experts, scientists and field implementation teams continue to work towards the ultimate goal of a world free of the burden of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs).
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
Early detection of cases is critical to complete cure with combined antibiotics. In its late stages, Buruli ulcer causes severe destruction of the skin, leading to permanent disability. #BeatNTDs
Die Initiative Medikamente gegen vernachlässigte Krankheiten (Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative, DNDi) ist eine internationale gemeinnützige Organisation, die sichere, wirksame und bezahlbare Behandlungen für die am meisten vernachlässigten Patient:innen erforscht, entwickelt und bereitste...llt.