The World Health Organization (WHO) organized the first global meeting on skin-related neglected tropical diseases (skin NTDs) at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland on 27–31 March 2023. This 5-day hybrid meeting brought together more than 800 global experts, stakeholders and partners from 86 ...countries to consider a wide range of topics and enable participants to share best practices in implementing integrated skin NTD activities at country level. The theme of the meeting was “integration for greater impact”.
The meeting of leprosy programme managers in the South-East (SE) Asia Region was convened by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO-SEARO) from 11 to 13 April 2023 in Kolkata, India. The meeting was attended by 40 participants, including 15 national focal points from nine countries, five e...xperts, partners, donors and WHO staff members, including those from the Global Leprosy Programme (GLP).
The objectives of the meeting were to:
- review the current situation and progress of leprosy elimination in the Member States;
- discuss the updates on the new guidance and tools from the Global Leprosy Programme;
- facilitate experience-sharing and catalyse discussions to identify innovative practices, solutions and remaining gaps across countries to enhance leprosy elimination activities; and
- determine priority actions and support needs for accelerating leprosy elimination in the Region.
ince the introduction of multidrug therapy (MDT), there has been significant progress in reducing the prevalence of leprosy and the occurrence of new cases. Global strategies have evolved with progress in reducing the disease burden. Encouraged by the decrease in the number of cases on treatment, th...e World Health Assembly passed a resolution calling on Member States to accelerate efforts towards global elimination of leprosy as a public health problem by 2000.
Most countries reached the milestone by 2010. The global strategies for 2006–2015 focused on sustaining high-quality leprosy services and early diagnosis. Reduction in the disease burden was measured in terms of grade-2 disability (G2D) or visible deformities in new cases. Since 2016, the strategies have included reduction of stigmatization of people with leprosy.
This manual provides a framework for morbidity management and disability prevention of patients affected by NIDs and gives specific guidance for the proper care of patients suffering from chronic conditions caused by lymphatic filariasis, leprosy, trachoma, and Chagas disease. It is intended to be u...sed mainly by health care workers at the primary health care level, but health workers at more complex and specialized levels may also find it useful.
The Global Leprosy Strategy 2021–2030 “Towards zero leprosy” was developed through a broad consultative process with all major stakeholders during 2019 and 2020. Valuable inputs were provided by national leprosy programme managers, technical agencies, public health and leprosy experts, funding... agencies and persons or members of communities directly affected by leprosy.
The Strategy aims to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It is structured along four pillars:
(i) implement integrated, country-owned zero leprosy road maps in all endemic countries;
(ii) scale up leprosy prevention alongside integrated active case detection;
(iii) manage leprosy and its complications and prevent new disability; and
(iv) combat stigma and ensure human rights are respected. Interruption of transmission and elimination of disease are at the core of the Strategy.
A national overview with a case study from Cam Le district
The overall aims of this study are (1) to assess the extent to which social protection systems in Vietnam address the needs of people with disabilities; and (2) to identify and document elements of good practice, as well as challenges, the design and delivery of social protection for people with disabilities. As most social protection programmes in Vietnam are targeted to various vulnerable groups (e.g. orphans, widows, single parents), the research mainly focuses on disability-specific schemes, as they are relevant to a higher proportion of people with disabilities.
This toolkit is designed as a resource for CBM that can be used in a variety of ways: to support staff induction, team meetings, refresher days and training workshops. It can also be used as a tool for personal reflection and self-study. Tips for those intending to use it as a training resource are ...shaded differently.
(Evaluación de deficiencias)
Course contents: What is Leprosy? Leprosy is a disease caused by a micro-organism called Mycobacterium leprae
Guía para la rehabilitación basada en la comunidad (RBC)
En el 2003, una Consulta Internacional para Revisar a Rehabilitación Basada en la Comunidad, celebrada en Helsinki, hizo un número de recomendaciones. Seguidamente, la rehabilitación basada en la comunidad se volvió a posicionar con una... propuesta de posición conjunta de la OIT, UNESCO y OMS, como una estrategia dentro del desarrollo comunal general para la rehabilitación, la equiparación de oportunidades, la reducción de la pobreza y la inclusión social de las personas con discapacidad.
National Guidelines India
Guidelines for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Level Care
Available in: English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Thai, Korean, Tajik, Vietnamese, Uzbek
General Questionnaire. Participation Scale
The Participation Scale (P-scale) is a scale to measure (social) participation for use in rehabilitation, stigma reduction and social integration programmes
Meeting the rehabilitation needs of people affected by leprosy and promoting quality of life.
This booklet offers tips for people affected by leprosy who want to prevent disability.