Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry Volume 28, Issue Pages 3-14
The Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24th February 2022 has prompted this article to summarise some of the salient mental health issues experienced by young asylum seekers and refugees focussing on resettlement countries, drawing on... the substantial literature, for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Practitioners. Firstly, the various UNHCR categories of persons affected by war and persecution and statistics are described. By July 2022, over 100 million people globally were of concern to UNHCR, a number increased by the many millions of refugees fleeing Ukraine to neighbouring countries. Selected findings on the psychiatric epidemiology of young refugees are summarised, and some principles of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service delivery and treatments are outlined. The research on Ukrainian refugees’ mental health is limited and this is an area that requires further investigation alongside active attempts to meet their mental health needs.
TB remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, second only to COVID-19, and drug-resistant TB strains are still a major concern. In the fight against TB, urgent investment is critical, especially in the context of the ongoing pandemic.
Травма – що робити
Щоби Ви більше не відчували себе такими безпорадними
Інформація для постраждалих людей та їхніх близьких
Ukrainische Ausgabe der Broschüre:
Trauma – was tun? Damit Sie ...sich nicht mehr so hilflos fühlen müssen. Informationen für akut betroffeneMenschen und deren Angehörige
The Vienna Declaration was signed at the end of the Fifth High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment. The virtual meeting, hosted by the Federal Government of Austria, brought together 46 ministers and representatives of 56 countries in the pan-European region.
The group discussed ho...w to introduce substantial changes in transport and mobility systems in order to address multiple challenges such as ambient air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, physical inactivity and noncommunicable diseases, and social inequity in access to transport and mobility.
How to receive essential services, protection and other support if you're a refugee from Ukraine entering a neighbouring country.
In English and Ukranian
Ресурси та телефони допомоги для сімей, які залишають Україну . Як отримати ос...овні послуги, захист та іншу підтримку, якщо ви біженець з України, який в’їжджає в сусідню країну.
Following a long recovery from the economic crisis (2007–2013), young people in the EU proved to be more vulnerable to the effects of the restrictions put in place to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Young people were more likely than older groups to experience job loss, financial insecur...ity and mental health problems. They reported reduced life satisfaction and mental well-being associated with the stay-at-home requirements and school closures. While governments responded quickly to the pandemic, most efforts to mitigate the effects of restrictions were temporary measures aimed at preventing job loss and keeping young people in education. This report explores the effects of the pandemic on young people, particularly in terms of their employment, well-being and trust in institutions, and assesses the various policy measures introduced to alleviate these effects.
Summary available in 22 languages
Lancet Public Health 2022 Published Online October 25, 2022
Executive summary
In the past few decades, major public health advances have happened in Europe, with drastic decreases in premature mortality and a life expectancy increase of almost 9 years ...since 1980. European countries have some of the best health-care systems in the world. However,Europe is challenged with unprecedented and overlapping crises that are detrimental to human health and livelihoods and threaten adaptive capacity, including the
COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the fastest-growing migrant crisis since World War 2, population displacement, environmental degradation, and deepening inequalities. Compared with pre-industrial times, the mean average European surface air temperature increase has been almost 1°C higher than the average global temperature increase, and 2022 was the hottest European summer on record.
This technical report presents the epidemiology of human and animal leishmaniases in the EU and its neighbouring countries and concludes that the disease remains widespread and underreported in many countries of southern Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East and that there is a need to improv...e leishmaniasis prevention and control based on robust surveillance in humans, animals, and vectors, and to increase public awareness following a one health approach.
Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, a country known as the 'breadbasket of Europe', is raising fears of a
global food crisis, further exacerbating existing food security challenges worldwide. Much depends on the
response of the international community, including the EU, to a number of rapidly... evolving scenarios.
Информация для пострадавших и их близких. В нашей работе мы постоянно сталкиваемся с просьбами написать руководство, как вести себя после травматического опыта. П...страдавшим хотелось бы почитать такую информацию, их близкие ищут материалы, которые помогли бы им понять пострадавших.
Informace pro silně traumatizované osoby a jejich blízké
Při naší práci jsme byli opakovaně do tazováni, zda bychom mohli poskytnout
stručné písemné informace o tom, jak se chovat po traumatických zážitcích. Trau
matizované osoby si přály v klidu přečíst srozumitelné info...rmace, zatímco jejich blízcí hledali materiály, s jejichž pomocí by jim lépe porozuměli.
Informacje dla osób dotkniętych traumą i ich bliskich
W trakcie naszej pracy wielokrotnie otrzymywaliśmy zapytania o krótkie pisemne
informacje na temat tego, jak zachowywać się po traumatycznych doświadczeniach. Osoby dotknięte traumą życzyły sobie możliwości przeczytania rzetelnych... informacji w wolnej chwili, podczas gdy krewni szukali materiałów, które pomogłyby im lepiej zrozumieć osoby dotknięte traumą.
It offers tips and suggestions that contribute to mental well-being and maintaining a positive outlook on life. Theyare intended as food for thought – try to incorporate one or more of these suggestions into your daily routine and allow yourself to be surprised!
Психологічні кризи можуть виникати в будь-кого. Часто вони підкрадаються непомітно, тож хворим і їхнім близьким подеколи зовсім непросто розпізнати їх. На сайті наведено можливі ознаки, які можуть свідчити про появу таких криз.
Das volle AMIRA-Programm mit allen Teilen gibt es als interaktives Programm im Internet Es ist inzwischen aber auch eine Handyversion der Geschichten verfügbar und eine Download-Version der Geschichten zum offline-Gebrauch.
Кризисные ситуации, такие как чрезвычайные происшествия, землетрясения и наводнения, участились и часто делают семьи очень уязвимыми. Родители, пережившие кризис...ые ситуации, поделились своими переживаниями о благополучии своих детей в этот период. Сталкиваясь с последствиями кризисных ситуаций, родители часто пытаются понять, как лучше всего реагировать на изменения в своих детях.
Реабилитационный потенциал социально-психологического сопровождения семей с проблемами химической зависимости предлагается рассматривать как ресурс преодолен...ия аддикций Актуальность исследования обусловле- на необходимостью разработки базового подхода — научно-доказательно- го обоснования организации психологической помощи семье с проблемой алкогольной и/или наркотической зависимости
Напиватися з друзями чи приймати наркотики спочатку весело. Усі говорять, що це безпечно, що ти тримаєш все під контролем і можеш зупинитися у будь-який момент! Але ...изик великий, більший, ніж ти думаєш