This document aims to describe a minimum set of surveillance activities recommended at the national level to detect and monitor the relative prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 variants and outline a set of activities for the characterization and assessment of risk posed by these variants. A set of indicators also provided to standardize monitoring and public reporting of variant circulation.
The document is primarily intended for national and sub-national public health authorities and partners who support implementation of surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 variants
Lymphatic filariasis (LF), a neglected tropical disease, is targeted for global elimination as a public health problem. This article reviews the history of LF control and elimination activities in the countries of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) over the last... 2 decades. In 2000, the estimated at-risk population in EMR countries was 12.6 million people, accounting for approximately 1% of the global disease burden. Of the 22 EMR countries, 3 countries (Egypt, Sudan and Yemen) were LF endemic and the disease was suspected in 4 other countries (Djibouti, Oman, Somalia and Saudi Arabia). After almost 2 decades of implementing sustained control and prevention measures, Egypt and Yemen were successfully validated by the WHO as having achieved the elimination criteria in 2017 and 2019, respectively. In 2018, Sudan completed mapping of LF, reaching 26.2% geographical coverage where mass drug administration (MDA) is required and is scaling-up MDA. Extensive epidemiological assessment indicated the absence of LF transmission in the four suspected countries and no MDA required. Challenges faced during the elimination and post-elimination phases are described and discussed
البيئات التي ينمو ّ ) (والمعروف باسم كورونا 19- بوسع الأمراض المعدية مثل كوفيد أن تعط وينشأ فيه
الأطفال. ويمكن أن يؤدي التعطيل الذي تتعرض له ا لأسر والصداقات والبرامج ...اليومية والمجتمع المحلي إلى تبعات سلبية على صحة الأطفال ونمائهم وحمايتهم. إضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن تتعرض ،بصورة أشمل والسيطرة عليه. 19- أليات
آذار / مارس 2020مركز معالجة حالات العدوى التنفسیة الحادة الوخیمةدلیل عملي لإنشاء وإدارة مركز لمعالجة حالات العدوى التنفسیة الحادة الوخیمة وقسم لتحري المصابین بھذه ا...عدوى في مرافق الرعایة الصحیة
إرشاداتٌ حول إنشاء عنابر العزل الخاصة بالحالات المصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد
This document simplifies the WHO guidance on severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) treatment centres and is meant to be accessible to healthcare work...ers, policymakers and others who want
a quick overview of the key requirements for a COVID-19 isolation centre either within an existing facility or as a standalone centre.
The package provides practical, concise yet crucial information about the impact of COVID-19 on daily teaching practices as well as tips and suggestions to improve safety, well-being and learning, with students in face-to-face or remote settings.
The package speaks directly to the teachers. It ca...n be adapted to their context and can be completed at the teachers’ own pace. It includes quizzes and a self-evaluation and planning tool to help teachers reflect on what they learned and what they still need to learn, encouraging them to keep learning!
The WHO SAGE values framework for the allocation and prioritization of COVID-19 vaccination is intended to offer guidance on the prioritization of groups for vaccination when vaccine supply is limited. It provides a values foundation for the objectives of COVID-19 vaccination programmes and links t...hose to target groups for vaccination. This information is valuable to countries and globally while specific policies will be developed once vaccines become available.
This document it available in Arabic, Chinese and Russian
An interregional meeting on leishmaniasis among neighbouring endemic
countries in the Eastern Mediterranean, African and European regions was organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Eastern
Mediterranean in Amman, Jordan, from 23 to 25 September 2018. The meeting attended by representatives from the health ministries of Albania, Georgia, Greece, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic and Tunisia. Representatives from Afghanistan, Algeria and Libya were unable to attend. The Secretariat comprised staff from WHO headquarters, WHO regional offices in the Eastern Mediterranean, Africa and Europe, WHO country offices in Iraq, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen, and WHO temporary advisors from Spain and Tunisia.
This action plan for the Kingdom Saudi Arabia to combat antimicrobial resistance has been formulated in the line of the WHO five objectives. It addresses the need for effective “one health” approach involving coordination among numerous national sectors and actors, including human and veterinary... medicine, agriculture, finance, environment, and well-informed consumers. Therefore, a large committee of all stakeholders was formed with five technical subcommittees were established to addresses every aspect
to contain antimicrobial resistance in the country.
Diabetic foot ulcers are a complication affecting approximately 15% of the total population with diabetes mellitus. There are three and half million diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia alone. Aim: to determine capacity building for nurses’ knowledge and practice regarding prevention of diabetic foot... complications. Research Questions: 1. Does the nurse’s knowledge prevent diabetic foot ulcer and other foot complications? 2. Does the high practice of the nurses during foot screening can prevent diabetic foot ulcer in primary health care centers in Saudi Arabia? Design: Descriptive, research designs have been utilized. Setting: Chronic disease clinic in primary health care centers in Jeddah city. Subjects: a purposive sample of 30 nurses and convenience sample of 30 patients. Tools: A. Diabetic foot ulcer Structured interview questionnaire to assess nurse’s knowledge regarding diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot. B. Health status assessment questionnaire to assess health history status of diabetic client. C. An observational checklist to assess the nurse practice once during diabetic foot screening. Results: Significant increase in nurse's knowledge had been observed, while the majority of them had poor practice in relation to foot screening. Whereas complicated diabetic patients represent 35.7% of diabetic patients have neuropathy. Moreover, only 7.1% have neuropathy and diabetic ketoacidosis. Also there was a significant moderate positive correlation between the overall score of nurse’s knowledge and the overall score of the practice regarding diabetic foot complications. Conclusions: Proper foot care, early recognition and management of risk factors prevent foot ulcer. Recommendations: Developing a structured training educational program for nurses dealing patients with diabetic foot disorders.
The Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia has developed the guidelines to meet the urgent need for up -to-date information and evidence-based recommendations