Flexible Approaches to Status for Displaced Syrians, Venezuelans, and Ukrainians
WHO’s Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) defines the Organization’s medium-term vision for working in and with a particular country. The CCS, developed in the context of global and national health priorities, examines the overall health situation in a country, including the state of the health s...ector, socioeconomic status and the major health determinants.
This CCS sets out WHO’s strategic framework for collaboration with the Syrian Arab Republic, from June 2022 until June 2025, in light of the 12 years of crisis that have had a devastating impact on the health sector and infrastructure of basic services. It carefully considers the current and projected issues during its transition from continued humanitarian assistance to recovery, resilience and development. The consolidation of health policies and strategies and health system strengthening, based on the strengthening of primary health care (PHC), aims to contribute to the achievement of national and global development and health goals and the targets of the SDGs.
A 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck at 04:17 local time on 6 February 2023, with its epicentre located in Pazarcık district
in Kahramanmaraş province, Türkiye. Over 1200 aftershocks have since been reported. These are Türkiye’ s most powerful
earthquakes since 1939
In response to the devastating earthquakes impacting Türkiye and the Syrian Arab Republic, the World Health Organization delivered 72 metric tons of trauma and emergency surgery supplies, including treatments, to both countries to support ongoing response efforts.
A first charter flight depar...ted to Türkiye on 9 February carrying 37 metric tons of life-saving supplies, and a second flight is scheduled to deliver 35 metric tons of supplies to the Syrian Arab Republic today.
In total, these life-saving supplies from both flights will be used to treat and care for 100 000 people as well as for 120 000 urgent surgical interventions in both countries.
À la suite des tremblements de terre dévastateurs qui ont frappé la Türkiye et la République arabe syrienne, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé a livré 72 tonnes de fournitures pour des soins de traumatologie et de chirurgie d’urgence, y compris des traitements, afin de soutenir les opé...rations en cours dans ces deux pays.
Un premier vol affrété a décollé pour la Türkiye le 9 février avec 37 tonnes de fournitures vitales à son bord et un deuxième vol doit livrer aujourd’hui 35 tonnes de fournitures à la République arabe syrienne.
Les fournitures vitales livrées grâce à ces deux vols serviront, au total, à traiter et à soigner 100 000 personnes et à réaliser 120 000 interventions chirurgicales urgentes dans les deux pays.
ستجابةً للهزات الأرضية المدمرة التي ضربت تركيا والجمهورية العربية السورية، أرسلت منظمة الصحة العالمية إلى البلدين المنكوبين 72 طناً مترياً من الإمدادات اللازمة لم...الجة الرضوح وإجراء العمليات الجراحية الطارئة، بما يشمل الأدوية، لدعم جهود الاستجابة الجارية.
وقد غادرت طائرة الإمدادات الأولى إلى تركيا في 9 شباط/فبراير حاملةً 37 طناً مترياً من الإمدادات المنقذة للأرواح، ومن المقرر أن تغادر الرحلة الثانية اليوم إلى الجمهورية العربية السورية وعلى متنها 35 طناً مترياً من الإمدادات
UNICEF, WHO Whole of Syria Nutrition, Cluster, the Global Nutrition Cluster, the IFE Core Group, and partners call for ALL involved in the response to the earthquakes in Syria to protect, promote, and support the feeding and care of infants and young children, their caregivers, especially pregnant, ...postpartum, and breastfeeding women. This is critical to support maternal and child survival, growth and development, and to prevent malnutrition, illness and death. This joint statement has been issued to help secure immediate, coordinated, multi-sectoral action on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) to support and provide care for infants and their caregivers during the emergency response of the Earthquake in Syria.
En respuesta a los devastadores terremotos que afectaron a Türkiye y a la República Árabe Siria, la Organización Mundial de la Salud entregó 72 toneladas de suministros de cirugía de traumatología y de emergencia, incluidos tratamientos, a ambos países para apoyar las iniciativas de respuest...a en curso.
El 9 de febrero, un primer vuelo chárter con 37 toneladas métricas de suministros vitales partió con destino a Türkiye, y está previsto que un segundo vuelo entregue hoy 35 toneladas de suministros a la República Árabe Siria.
En total, los suministros vitales transportados en ambos vuelos se utilizarán para tratar y atender a 100 000 personas, así como para llevar a cabo 120 000 intervenciones quirúrgicas urgentes en ambos países.
In the early morning of 6 February 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck southern Türkiye near the northern
border of Syria. The earthquake was followed 11 minutes later by a magnitude 6.7 aftershock. Many aftershocks
continue to be felt across the region. Whilst the impact is still being ass...essed, initial reports evidence significant
damage in the areas of southern Türkiye and northern Syria.
In the early morning of 6 February 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in southern Türkiye near the
northern border of Syria. The earthquake was followed 11 minutes later by a magnitude 6.7 aftershock. Many
aftershocks are still being felt across the region. Whilst the impact is still bei...ng assessed, initial reports evidence
significant damage in the areas of southern Türkiye and northern Syria.
In response, the Syria Ministry of Health (MoH) activated its emergency operations centre (EOC) on 6 Feb 2023
under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister. In all affected governorates, public and private health facilities
and medical convoys have been repurposed to support the response and are being managed by the National
Ministry of Health (MoH) and Directorate of Health (DoH) at governorate level. Support has been directed to
affected areas, with medical convoys including 28 ambulances and 7 mobile clinics, deployed from the health
directorates of Damascus, Rural Damascus, Quneitra, Homs, Tartous, Aleppo and Latakia
In the early morning of 6 February 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in southern Türkiye near the
northern border of Syria. The earthquake was followed 11 minutes later by a magnitude 6.7 aftershock. Many
aftershocks are still being felt across the region. Whilst the imp...act is still being assessed, initial reports evidence
significant damage in the areas of southern Türkiye and northern Syria.
In response, the Syria Ministry of Health (MoH) activated its emergency operations centre (EOC) on 6 Feb 2023
under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister. In all affected governorates, public and private health facilities
and medical convoys have been repurposed to support the response and are being managed by the National
Ministry of Health (MoH) and Directorate of Health (DoH) at governorate level. Support has been directed to
affected areas, with medical convoys including 28 ambulances and 7 mobile clinics, deployed from the health
directorates of Damascus, Rural Damascus, Quneitra, Homs, Tartous, Aleppo and Latakia. At the same time, 4
At 4:17 in the morning on 6 February, a magnitude 7.8
earthquake struck northwestern Turkey. According to
latest reports, this enormous tremor has already caused
over 16,000 deaths in both Turkey, and Syria while over
20,000 are reportedly injured. At least 20 strong
aftershocks have also been ...reported in southern and
central Turkey and will likely continue for the next several
days. The damage has been incredible, with dozens of
cities and town experiencing severe damage to
On 6 February at 4:17 am, a 7.8 degrees magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey near Syria’s
northern border. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake was centered about 33 km (20 miles)
from Gaziantep, a major city and provincial capital. Tremors were felt as far away as Lebanon, Greece...,
Palestine, and the island of Cyprus. Another big earthquake was felt on the same day at around 1:24
pm local time, largely in the same affected areas. Aftershocks will continue to shake the area as fault
lines adjust to such a huge initial tremor. There’s even a risk—albeit a small one—of an aftershock
bigger than the original quake.
On 6 February 2023, south-eastern Turkey and northern Syrian were hit by the most powerful earthquake in the region for over 80 years. This was quickly followed by a further earthquake and hundreds of aftershocks.
While the situation is still developing, widespread destruction has been reported. At... the time of writing, more than 36,000 people have died and this figure is likely to increase. The natural disaster has exacerbated the high level
of humanitarian need in the region, with many Syrian refugees concentrated in the 10 affected provinces of southern Turkey, and Syria suffering from over a decade of civil war.
Map abput presence of WFP during the earthquake in Syria
WASH in schools during a cholera response is important due to the strong correlation between WASH and IPC. Not only can it impact the health and well-being of students and staff but also facilitate the potential spread of the disease via the congregation of children and adults from multiple househol...ds. Hygiene can often be more difficult to control with young children and therefore efforts to put in place systems to encourage good practices are essential.
To prevent the spread of cholera in schools, it is important to have clean and safe water sources, proper sanitation facilities, and good hygiene practices in place. This includes providing clean drinking water, hand-washing stations with soap, and education on hygiene and sanitation practices and implement Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) including dissemination of Information, Education and Communication materials (IEC).
Unprecedented humanitarian needs, the COVID-19 pandemic, a worsening economic crisis, and funding shortfalls converge to create life-threatening challenges for people in need throughout the region.
In March 2022, the Syria crisis entered its 12th year, marking another grim milestone for Syrians t...hroughout the region. For women and girls, the cumulative impact has been catastrophic, upending decades of progress on women’s issues and bringing unprecedented risks that have fundamentally altered their realities.
An 82 percent funding gap is putting the lives of 2.5 million people in north-west Syria at risk this winter.
The first cholera case in north-west Syria was confirmed on 19 September. See below for the latest updates.
On 17 September, at least six airstrikes were reported in Idleb, 10 ...km away from the road used by the 7th cross-line convoy. One man was injured.
On 27 September, an airstrike reportedly hit in the vicinity of five IDP camps in Idleb, near the Bab AlHawa border crossing, injuring a woman, child and seven men.
HNAP recorded 19,545 new internal displacements in north-west Syria in September – the highest record so far in 2022 - largely driven by the deteriorating economy.