The article "A 20-year follow-up study on chronic respiratory effects of exposure to cotton dust" evaluates the long-term impact of cotton dust exposure on respiratory health. It followed a cohort of Chinese cotton and silk workers from 1981 to 2001, comparing lung function and symptoms. Results that cotton workers experienced greater declines in lung function and persistent respiratory symptoms compared to silk workers. The study found that exposure to airborne endotoxins in cotton dust was strongly linked to chronic respiratory impairment. It highlighted that stopping exposure helped improve lung function, particularly in non-smoking men, while smokers continued to show negative effects.
Considerable energy has been expended over the last two decades in developing methods for identifying the presence of asthma among participants in population studies. The objective of this endeavour has commonly been to enable epidemiological research on risk factors for asthma, with the ultimate ai...m of preventing the disease. However, there are other reasons for measuring the prevalence of asthma in populations, including the desire to assess the burden of disease attributable to asthma, to track changes over time, and to compare the prevalence among population groups defined by geographical, demographic or social factors. Two major international collaborative studies arising from this work have made major contributions to our knowledge about asthma
The Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ)1 was developed and validated to measure the primary clinical goal of asthma management as identified by international guidelines. They indicate that to achieve good control, treatment should minimise day and night time symptoms, activity limitation, airway narr...owing and rescue bronchodilator use and thus reduce the risk of life-threatening exacerbations and long-term morbidity. The importance of including all aspects of control in the assessment of individual patients was emphasised by a recent factor analysis which showed that clinical asthma is composed of distinct components which are not closely correlated with each other.6 However, in some studies it may not be possible to collect airway calibre or short-acting β2-agonists data. Previous analysis of non-clinical trial data suggested that when ACQ scores are analysed as group data, the heterogeneity of the way in which individual patients present with inadequate control is lost in the estimation of the mean and the need to measure each individual component of asthma control may become unnecessary. In this analysis, ACQ data from a clinical trial was used to evaluate the measurement properties (reliability, responsiveness, validity and interpretability), of three shortened versions of the ACQ. In addition, we have examined whether the precision and accuracy of estimating the effect of the intervention on asthma control was maintained when the two questions concerning airway calibre and short-acting β2-agonists use were omitted from the trial analysis.
Worldwide, studies on asthma prevalence have shown major rises over the last 30 years. The impact on the burden of asthma is being increasingly recognised. In some countries in Latin America, the prevalence of asthma is among the highest in the world. Asthma admissions are very common in children, l...eading to high costs for the health systems of those countries. Unfortunately, Latin America has limited resources to pay for appropriate treatment. The main goals of the international guidelines for asthma treatment are not being met. However, asthma programmes operating in some countries are showing promising results in reducing asthma admissions and consequently decreasing the burden of asthma. Local adaptation of international guidelines must be implemented in order to decrease costs and optimise outcomes.
A worldwide increase in the prevalence of asthma has been reported in recent years. With an increase in prevalence comes an increased burden of disease in terms of morbidity, mortality and compromised quality of life. The economic burden in terms of utilisation of healthcare resources and limitation... of the earning capacity of the individuals and families is an added problem. Various indicators such as disability-adjusted life years and healthy life years have been used to define the economic burden. The data from Asian countries regarding these parameters is scarce, underlining the need for systematic studies in these countries, especially those that are resource poor. The purpose of this review is to highlight the varying prevalence of asthma in Asia and to assess the likely economic burden for the future.
Health economics is receiving more attention as decisionmakers — including purchasers, physicians and patients seek a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of adopting new health care strategies in developed and developing countries. Formal economic evaluation is playing an increasingly i...mportant role in health care decision-making, including that related to asthma.
Review of disability issues and rehabilitation services in 29 african countries.
20 February 2013
Update on 2004 Background Paper (Written by Saloni Tanna)
Priority Medicines for Europe and the World "A Public Health Approach to Innovation"
Asthma guidelines indicate that the goal of treatment should be optimum asthma control. In a busy clinic practice with limited time and resources, there is need for a simple method for assessing asthma control with or without lung function testing.