This study compared clinical and autopsy findings for three asbestos-related diseases (asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer) in former asbestos mineworkers, and explored factors that influenced agreement between clinical and autopsy findings using data from two compensation systems. In South Afr...ica, statutory compensation for occupational lung diseases in mineworkers makes provisions for autopsy examinations of the cardio-respiratory organs at the National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH) in Johannesburg. In addition, the Johannesburg-based Asbestos Relief Trust and Kgalagadi Relief Trust (the “Trusts”) compensate individuals with defined asbestos-related diseases who worked in or lived near qualifying asbestos mining or processing operations. The Trusts also compensate dependents of deceased qualifying mineworkers and therefore encourage statutory autopsies for the detection of previously undiagnosed asbestos-related disease or disease that may have progressed to higher compensation grades.
In 2014, the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) reported that the highest prevalence of symptoms of severe asthma was found in the low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), including Nigeria. While exposure to biomass fuel use may be an important risk factor in the deve...lopment of asthma, its association with asthma symptoms severity has not been well-established. The aim of this study is to extend the spectrum of environmental risk factors that may be contributing towards increasing asthma morbidity, especially asthma symptoms severity in rural schoolchildren in Nigeria and to examine possible asthma underdiagnosis among this population.
Several countries or regions within countries have an effective national asthma strategy resulting in a reduction of the large burden of asthma to individuals and society. There has been no systematic appraisal of the extent of national asthma strategies in the world.
This document offers suggested risk communication actions in relation to Zika virus infection and other health issues linked to this disease. It is directed toward ministers of health and other health sector actors who, with their national (multidisciplinary) teams for communication and social mobil...ization, will be able to adapt the provided information to the needs of their countries and audiences.
The use of safe and efficacious insecticides against the adult and larval populations of mosquito vectors is one of the most effective ways to rapidly interrupt transmission of Zika virus, as well as other viruses transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes such as chikungunya and dengue.
This document updates the 2009 ECDC guidance on chlamydia control in Europe. It was developed by a technical expert group which conducted a critical review of the scientific evidence on the epidemiology of chlamydia and the effectiveness of screening programmes.
The aim of this guidance is to suppo...rt Member States to develop, implement or improve strategies for chlamydia control. This guidance describes the current evidence base behind the proposed options, highlights key gaps in knowledge, and suggests effective options for national chlamydia control strategies. It is directed primarily at policy advisors but should also be useful for programme managers and experts in sexual health.
Extraced from the full version of WDI 2016
This factsheet shows that type 2 diabetes in older age groups is high and growing rapidly in many parts of the world, but can be managed inexpensively with early diagnosis, treatment and information.
In this review, the editors will investigate the impact of eight WASH interventions in preventing (reducing the risk of) and controlling outbreaks in LMIC, with particular focus on three diseases of current concern to the response community – cholera, Ebola, and Hepatitis E. Additionally, we will ...explore economic outcomes related to WASH interventions within an outbreak
A booklet on how CHWs were addressing eye health across Africa based on desk research and a survey in 23 countries
Open Online Courses include topics in Global Health, are short and designed for self-study. They are available free and can be accessed by anyone. Most offer a certificate. The course topics are: Climate Change; Public Health; Refugee Health; Diseases in Developing Countries; Basic Epidemiology, etc....
The Global Health eLearning Center offers courses aimed at increasing knowledge in a variety of global health technical areas. A complete listing of courses is below. Individual courses are also part of certificate programs, listed to the left, as well as on the Certificate Program page. Courses tha...t have been translated and can be found on the Translation page.
Advance chapters from the new edition
This 3 minutes and 24 second animation describes Dengue transmission, infection and the different symptoms associated with this disease. Also, the animation gives additional information about the habits of this mosquito. This video illustrates several important preventative measures, both inside the... house and the environmental sanitation around the house, to avoid being bitten by the mosquitoes. Let's all work together to stop the spread of dengue!
A handbook for leaders and managers
The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Status Report on Noncommunicable Diseases 2010 projects that noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) will be responsible for over 44 million deaths during the next decade, representing an increase of about 15% since 2010. Most of these deaths will occur in the WHO ...regions of Africa, South-East Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean. In the African Region alone, NCDs will cause around 3.9 million deaths by 2020.