The plan contains the latest available evidence on the extent of insecticide resistance around the world, and puts forward a strategy for global and country levels, identifying clear roles and timelines for all stakeholders. The GPIRM also summarizes information about innovative new products being d...eveloped and sets out the immediate research and development priorities.
An Overview of Current Evidence with Recommendations for Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs to Accelerate Progress in Achieving the Health-related Millennium Development Goals
El manual tiene el objetivo de contribuir al fortalecimiento de la comunicación cara a cara con las y los usuarios, dentro de un marco de respeto pleno a la identidad cultural y de toma de decisiones informadas. Para ello, se propone frases y palabras clave de modo que el personal de salud cuente c...on un primer material de apoyo que le permita establecer una relación más directa con las y los pacientes dirigiéndose a ellos utilizando palabras en su propio idioma, para luego abordar la atención integral en salud sexual y reproductiva con un enfoque de pertinencia intercultural.
La Carta de los Pueblos para la Salud es una declaración de la visión compartida, los objetivos, los principios y los llamamientos a la acción que unen a todos los miembros de la coalición PHM. Es el documento de consenso sobre salud más ampliamente respaldado desde la Declaración de Alma Ata
Disponible en varios idiomas
1. Salvar vidas, proteger los medios de sustento y apoyar la recuperación de desastres y crisis
2. Posibilitar una vida sana y segura
3. Promover la inclusión social y una cultura de no violencia y la paz
This 2011 update of Guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis is intended as a tool for use by public health professionals working in response
to the Sixty-second World Health Assembly’s resolution on prevention and control of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and e...xtensively drug-resistant tuberculosis.
Do men and women experience different types of security events? Are there differences in the attitudes within humanitarian agencies towards the same type of events affecting men or women? In this paper, using the Security in Numbers Database (SiND), the differences and similarities in men’s and’s experiences of security events are analyzed to help agencies think about the potential gender implications of security management.
This publication aims to provide examples of better palliative care practices for older people to help those involved in planning and supporting care-oriented services most appropriately and effectively. Examples have been identifi ed from literature searches and from an international call... for examples through various organizations, including the European Association of Palliative Care and the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society. Some examples consider how to improve aspects within the whole health system; specifi c smaller examples consider how to improve palliative care education, support in the community, in hospitals or for specifi c groups of people, such as people in nursing homes and people with dementia and their families. Some examples await rigorous evaluation of effectiveness, and more research is needed in this fi eld, especially the cost–effectiveness and generalizability of these initiatives.
This manual has been developed to guide rapid risk assessment of acute public health risks from any type of hazard in response to requests from Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO). The manual is aimed primarily at national departments with health-protection responsibilities, Nationa...l Focal Points (NFPs) for the International Heath Regulations (IHR) and WHO staff. It should also be useful to others who join multidisciplinary risk assessment teams, such as clinicians, field epidemiologists, veterinarians, chemists, food-safety specialists.