The main objective of this guidance is to provide scientific advice on public health principles and considerations for infection and prevention control of COVID-19 in migrant and refugee reception and detention centres in the European Union and European Economic Area (EU/EEA) and the United Kingdom ...(UK).
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) represent a range of physical, mental, and behavioral disabilities caused by alcohol use during pregnancy, or prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). FASDs are considered to be one of the leading preventable causes of developmental disability. Despite its high preval...ence, FASD is often misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed, making interventions more challenging or delayed.
his publication was initially developed for use in Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas and is intended to serve as a training workbook for providers of various disciplines to learn about the fundamentals of diagnosing FASD and to apply them to several case scenarios. It also discusses ethical implications of diagnosing FASD to the mother and child. Target audiences include physicians, psychologists, allied health professionals, social workers, and other providers that may encounter individuals affected by FASD. It is ideally used as a supplement for in-person training by experts in the fields of dysmorphology, epidemiology, and neuropsychology.
Prevention, early diagnosis, and effective treatment are essential for the control and elimination of Neisseria gonorrhoeae as a public health problem. Currently, in Latin America and the Caribbean, treatment for gonorrhea infection is largely empiric and based on clinical diagnosis. In the Americas..., the high burden of new N. gonorrhoeae infections (estimated at 11 million new cases a year), the complexity of the disease epidemiology, and in many countries the limited resources, make it difficult to fully understand the burden of disease and the burden of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in N. gonorrhoeae.
PAHO has developed this document to facilitate the navigation of available guidance and recommendations for N. gonorrhoeae AMR surveillance by public health and health care professionals, at the national and subnational levels, involved in designing, implementing, and/or strengthening AMR surveillance of N. gonorrhoeae and overall surveillance of sexually transmitted infections.
Recognizing the extent to which the COVID-19 outbreaks affects women and men differently is hugely important. Some preliminary data suggested that more men than women are dying, potentially due to sex-based immunological differences, higher rates of cardiovascular disease for men and lifestyle, such as smoking. However, the experiences and lessons learned from the Zika and Ebola outbreaks and the HIV pandemic demonstrate that robust gender analysis and informed, gender-integrated response are vital to strengthen the access and acceptability of the humanitarian services needed to meet the distinct needs of women and girls, as well as men and boy and LGBTI people.
Recognizing the extent to which the COVID-19 outbreaks affects women and men differently is hugely important. Some preliminary data suggested that more men than women are dying, potentially due to sex-based immunological differences, higher rates of cardiovascular disease for men and lifestyle, such as smoking. However, the experiences and lessons learned from the Zika and Ebola outbreaks and the HIV pandemic demonstrate that robust gender analysis and informed, gender-integrated response are vital to strengthen the access and acceptability of the humanitarian services needed to meet the distinct needs of women and girls, as well as men and boy and LGBTI people.
In 2021, the humanitarian community continued to support those in need, placing protection at the centre of its response. Learning from and building on past efforts, humanitarian actors will continue to respond and adapt their response to the various shocks impacting populations in Cameroon, such as... violence against civilians, natural disasters, and epidemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
La inmunización es un servicio esencial de salud que protege a las personas susceptibles de contraer enfermedades prevenibles mediante vacunación.2 L a vacunación oportuna protege a los individuos y las comunidades, al tiempo quereduce las posibilidades de que se produzcan brotes d...e enfermedades prevenibles mediante vacunación. La prevención de un brote de una enfermedad prevenible mediante vacunación no solo salva vidas, sino que requiere menos recursosque la respuesta al brote y ayuda a reducir la carga que supone para los sistemas de salud, los cuales ya están sometidos a una fuerte presión por la pandemia de COVID-19. En sus esfuerzos por mantener los sistemas de inmunización, los países deben adoptar enfoques que respeten el principio de «no hacer daño» y limiten la transmisión de la COVID-19 durante la realización de actividades de inmunización. Las visitas para la administración de vacunas también pueden ser una ocasión para divulgar mensajes que fomenten comportamientos que reducen el riesgo de transmisión del virus de la COVID-19 y para proporcionar orientaciones sobre las medidas que deben adoptarse si se observan síntomas.
This guideline document lays out the indicators for monitoring the 2016 Political Declaration on ending AIDS. The Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) process has been often referenced as a benchmark for successful international accountability mechanisms.
Objectifs 2020 : des avancées disparates. Le rapport de l’ONUSIDA sur l’épidémie mondiale de sida fait état d’un échec accentué par la COVID-19. Depuis 2015, 3,5 millions d’infections au VIH et 820 000 morts supplémentaires liés au sida sont imputables à des objectifs non atteints. ...Elles auraient été évitées si les objectifs 2020 avaient été réalisés. La riposte pourrait également revenir dix ans en arrière au moins, si la pandémie de COVID-19 interrompt gravement les services de lutte contre le VIH.
There is no question that over the last thirty years environmentaldegradation and the ecological crisis have become in our day and age apredominant sign of the times. In response to this worrisome develop-ment official documents of the Roman Catholic Church, at various lev-els, have sought to addres...s the growing ecological concern from theperspective of Catholic social teaching. Consequently references to ecol-ogy and environmental issues have surfaced in papal encyclicals duringthe last fifteen years generating national and regional responses. In theUnited States, for example, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops hasissued two pastoral statements on environmental issues in 1991 and2001. Significantly, the Catholic Bishops of the Pacific Northwest, rep-resenting Canada and the U.S. have also issued a unique internationalletter focused on a particular ecological region—the Columbia RiverWatershed. What all of these efforts hold in common is the attempt toapply Catholic social teaching to a new and disturbing phenomenon inhuman experience. The result has been an expansion of Catholic socialthought. What was once the “social question” has now become the socialand “ecological question.” This development, the effort to address ecol-ogy and environmental issues as ethical problems, is the focus of thispaper. In particular this paper will link environmental and humanecology with the concept of sustainability, with the intention of propos-ing an interpretation of the common good and a definition of sustain-ability within Catholic social teaching.
The progressive development of peoples is an object of deep interest and concern to the Church. This is particularly true in the case of those peoples who are trying to escape the ravages of hunger, poverty, endemic disease and ignorance; of those who are seeking a larger share in the benefits of ci...vilization and a more active improvement of their human qualities; of those who are consciously striving for fuller growth.
In 1964 medical mission was challenged and called to define its distinctiveness and its special role in the context of that particular time. The consultation "Tuebingen I" clearly stated: "The Christian church has a specific task in the field of health and healing"1, and developed a of wholeness and of the role of the congregation in health provision. 50 years later, the question of the proprium of Christian health services is again a very important one. At a time when governments, international non-governmental organizations and other philanthropic organizations participate in health care, the question has to be asked: What is the specific contribution of a Christian health service or ministry of healing? At a time when chronic disease challenges not only rich but now also poor countries, when infections like Ebola that for years were hidden in Africa pose a threat to the global situation, Christians have to reflect on the question of the proprium of Christian health care.